Meet the campers – Lei Si Man from Macau
Another referee from quite a distance, who is coming to Antalya. We are happy to introduce Lei Si Man from Macau.
Few words from Macau
Tell us your officiating story.
Lei: I got FIBA license in 1998. In Macau, I have officiated national (local) basketball league (men division A- highest level) that has two season annually (3 months for one season), university league ,high school league for more than 15 years and mostly assigned to be the ref for final in these 8 years.
In Asia, I have been invited to officiate different invitation international / local / regional tournaments: 2014 Sabah (East Malaysia) men league final round, regional invitation u23 men championship in Labuan 2014 (Malaysia), 2014 Malaysia club championship (men). 1 St International oversea Chinese men championship 2014 (Xiamen, China) invited me to work as one of the referee leaders and ref for final.
For FIBA, my first tournament was FIBA Asia women championship in 2000.
2009 Lusofonia game (Lisbon)
2013 East Asia men championship (Korea)
Neutral Referee:
2010 U20 Europe champion (Latvia) , 2011 1st GCC Women Championship (Qatar), 2011 Arabic game (Qatar) , 2011 South East Asia game (Jakarta) , 2012 FIBA Asia U18 Women Championship (Malaysia) , 2014 U17 Women World Cup, 2014 Asian game (Korea)
How do you work to get better in officiating?
I served as instructor for national referee clinic from 1998, referee leader and organizer for local referee training in 2011-2013.
Attended FIBA clinics as observer, participated National referee clinic that approved by FIBA Asia in Hong Kong and Korea.
Arranged referee exchange programs and study tour to HK, Taiwan, Malaysia.
Self study: video and rules.
What do you want to take for you from Antalya?
I expect to learn and improve officiating in high level game.
See you soon Lei Si Man!