3 weeks to the camp
Dear Campers!
We are now 3 weeks to the camp. It is a lot , but on other hand we need to start preparation to make the camp most valuable for you.
Please read carefully topics below.
1. Some days ago we inform you about your login and password to login on our website.
This allow you to see and use some tools which are not available for non campers.
2. We already public you materials from Alejandro Vaquera.
Each Session have individual program to prepare for the camp. Programs already start – I hope everybody already follow.
Try to use it. We are doing it before every Main Competition, like World Cup or Eurobasket.
Can you imagine that our program for Eurobasket (September 2015) start 1,5h month ago? And we need to be follow. So try yourself.
It gives good results.
3. We are working on the camp schedule. It will be announce soon on the website.
If you plan the trips please consider that
13th is arriving day, we plan one lecture at the earning -time depend of the campers arriving, but hope fully not later than 20:00
17th is departure day -no activities
Session 2
17th is arriving day, we plan one lecture at the eavning -time depend of the campers arrivings, but hope fully not later than 20:00
21st is departure day -no activities
We need dates, times , fly numbers, and from where and to where is the fly!
We will try to provide transport from the airport and to the airport to all of you – but we need details!
4. From Sunday we will public video materials on our website
This materials will be seen for all. But comments can be only done and seen by campers after login
You will be requested to comment every video we will show. And your comments will be seen only by campers – so do not worry to write your opinions.
This will help you to prepare mentally to our camp. We will also use some of this situations at the camp to clarify with all the group.
After every video we will have also expert (one of the instructors) opinion -to give you idea about what we expect from you.
Please answer videos as soon as possible after public. Every few days we will public new set of the clips.
5. At the camp we need you to have your laptops or other digital device where you can open our website.
All communication at the camp will go thru website (including game nominations). All after login!
Also we need you to have laptops to watch your games. You will received the video file from your game few minutes after the game. And you will be obligate to watch it immediately after the game before next one.
We will provide you with pen-drives to get copy of the game, but please bring laptops and/or HDD where you can copy games and teaching materials – pen-drive will be not enough,.
6. As you perhaps know from our website we will wait for camp applications until May 24th
We still have some places (specially at Session 1) , so if any of your friends thinking to send please advice them to do it before May 24th
7. As we need to prepay the hotel and spend some other costs we need some guaranty from your side.
2ND REQUEST: I need to ask you to pay 200 Euro guaranty to my bank account.
DEADLINE IS MAY 30th. All details to the money transfer are in attachment. Please use ONLY EURO CURRENCY.
If you prefer to pre pay all by transfer it is fine.
If not than rest of the amount we will ask you to pay by CASH on the arrival.
8. We will provide you with some equipment, including refereeing shirts and black shorts, black socks and small bags
Please bring with you long black trousers, black shoes and in case of any fail black shorts and black socks
Please be ready also for some running /fitness session.
Lets keep in touch, and follow our website www.referee.pl
All good from Poland