Friday 14 February 2025

Session 2 Day 2, 18.06.2015 – Be accountable, honest and get the call right!

Guess what was the first thing the campers did in the morning… the 7 am run of course. They even started before I came down to make the picture; the group had run away 🙂

So fresh and ready we started the first lecture of the day, 30 min earlier, as Carl has much to talk about to the referees. He was discussing analytical decision versus emotional decision making. Also how to build chemistry with the team, some new stuff, basic stuff, but all so much needed. We talked about the natural decision, flippism, random call generator, muscle memory and also the terminology from FIBA that we all need to know, ex. IOT (Individual Officiating Techniques), OP (Obvious Play), PC (Primary Coverage), DC (Dual Coverage),SC (Secondary Coverage), EC (Extended Coverage), RD (Referee the defense),  OA (Open Angle), CA (Closed Angle), CS (Cross step), CD (Close Down). There was a lot as well about the mechanics which is the topic of the day!

Then on the schedule was Steve – he share his experience from the court, as active referee, who officiated in between many others Olympics Beijing, and stories from there. We heard about how contacts impact the game, got reminded to admit our mistakes, learn from it, be accountable to your partners and also coaches. This is the right approach! Top referees do not complain and do not explain. Only work how to get better. Compete as a referee, have a desire to get better. Don’t compete against each other. Compete against yourself.

For the first time in the camp we have Peter Papp from Hungary talking about very important thing, which is your mindset. Peter promised that at the end of the hour you will have a clear goal and a plan on how to achieve it. And it happened. Clear vision is a key aspect of success. Then we wrote our goals on the paper. Handwriting activates the subconscious – always write your goals!

Then we moved to the games and officiating. All the instructors were watching the games. When 4 games finished we had team picture and moved to the lecture of Carl in the pitch. We were watching some slides from the 3PO and how to run properly, after we moved to really practice it in the court and this was great! Running looking at Carl and making the call where you stop! Then all the referees practiced positioning in 3 men mechanics and were lead by Carl and Steve to take the right position when the ball moves.

Last talk of the day was Dr Ridvan presenting the results of the survey we took the other day and pictures, showing us mind perception in different state. Very interesting stuff! All campers were put to sleep and dream. And they have visualization homework 🙂 

See you tomorrow. Now we rest!