Academic survey by PinYu
Dear Campers please find below small request from your colleague:
Hi all,
This academic survey is part of my master project trying to analyze the importance of training program towards sports officials. As Training Camp is the best training program I have ever attended, I am likely to collect your feedback as possible as I can to see to what extent the camp have meet yours demands on the court in terms of officiating skills or something like that. This questionnaire could be completed less than 2 minutes by your kind participation. You can easily access the link online as below which is created via Google Drive and answer the questions based on your experience during the camp this year as well as your own refereeing career.
Here is the link of the questionnaire
Many thanks for your help.
Here is the content which can be delivered to all the campers about
this academic survey.
Thanks once again and really really appreciate for your kind help.
Best wishes