New project coming – Referee Survival Camp

From some time already we were thinking on how to help referees even more to improve by organizing extensive preparation camp that would combine organic activities for referees, same as for any other sport athletes.
We would like to announce this special initiative for the first time, as a new project coming available for interested referees to join.
We will choose the dates that will get the most interest of yours.
The camp will be new, different project focused on individual work, technics of refereeing (where to look, how to move, etc.), proper movements, a lot of physical work, active trainings, with coaches, work on physical condition, body build, physical preparation, coming back after injury, etc.). There will be theory and practice of officiating on the court. We will use new technologies. We will work in a group, as one team!
The camp is planned to be connected with the player’s camp (closed selected group for professional players) who will be preparing for the coming season.
All of this is prepared to make you better referees!
Location – Poland, close to the sea 🙂
Duration: 4-5 days
Group will host max 9 referees
If you are interested fill in declaration of interest and vote for the date!! Feel free to add any comments and suggestions.
In return we will treat with priority for registration people fill in the declaration of interest.
More information will come soon!