Friday 14 February 2025

UFFO.PL & REFEREE.PL – Polish outfit quality at UFFO Survival Camp 2017

For the first time this year Kuba Zamojski will organize the survival camp for the referees from all around the world with the cooperation with a company UFFO.PL. This is a pilot project, which happens this year in Poland, is going in parallel with the player’s camp and its basic goal is to focus on the individual work of each referee as a preparation to the coming season.
We are happy to announce, that for UFFO Survival Camp 2017, sport outfit for referees will be provided by UFFO.PL – well known polish brand of sports clothing for various branches of sport. Because of this cooperation we would like to UFFOeng250pxpresent you the company profile and a short conversation with the company’s owner Mr. Marek Grabowski.

The company was established in 1995, have you already known that you would like to design and produce outfits for basketball?

To be more precise the company was established in 1995 and until 2001 we were distributing products of various other brands. In the same time, we have realized that clothing and accessories we sell have multiple imperfections, and when you add the lack of producer interest for our suggestions to make them better, we simply got to the point that we would like to create our own brand that would be designed covering our feedback. This is how UFFO.PL brand was launched to the market in 2002. In the process of creating the brand we got the idea, or even necessity, to start designing our own collections, as there was market niche for those. The beginnings were mainly about basketball outfits, but not only, because we produced and still do clothing for various sports. But no doubts that basketball is number one in our portfolio.

Where in Poland can we see UFFO.PL logo?

In outfits with UFFO.PL brand you can see professional and amateur teams as well. In the Polish Top Basketball League (where we are since 2005) in the past season UFFO.PL brand was worn by BM Slam Stal Ostrów Wielkopolski and Polpharma Starogard Gdański. In the Women Basket League, we dressed teams of JAS-FBG Sosnowiec and TS Ostrovia Ostrów Wielkopolski. The referee outfit is currently used by most referee associations in Poland: Łódzkie, Krakowskie, Podkarpackie, Pomorskie, Śląskie, Warmińsko-Mazurskie, Wielkopolskie and Zachodniopomorskie. It is also worn by officials of Eastern European Woman’s Basketball League, where we are official partner.

Where the idea come from to design outfits for referees?

The idea came up as there was no such a clothing type on the market. For majority of the brands referees are too small market segment to specially design something for them. For us referees are the same important customer as everyone else and therefore we spend a lot of time and attention designing refereeing clothing, as well as testing and optimizing based on the customer feedback.

Was there any sport that you trained, which had inspired you to produce the sportswear?

When I was young I used to play basketball and never could imagine my life without it. However, from the health reasons my career was suddenly finished and I had to exchange it for hobby. As you can see this is my passion until today and creating sportswear from the brand that I invented from scratch is a form of continuing the adventure with sport. It also allows me to stay in touch with my friends from the court from more than 20 years ago, and believe me we have a lot of memories…

Why have you decided to partner

The cooperation with is a perfect match of our company philosophy of creating the top sportswear (this is in fact one of our slogans). The outfits, which your campers and instructors will use will be heavy tested and all incoming feedback will be very helpful for us to develop our product. is very valued association in the referee’s environment, not only on the European, but global level. Who knows, maybe this partnership will open new markets for us. The time will show.

What are your plans for the company development, will you invest in certain branch of sport?

We are trying to adapt our plans to the current trends and feedback that is coming from the customers or future buyers. each year brings something new, and the plan fulfillment can be different. Currently besides daily production of the sportswear, we will implement as well the so called technical underwear, which is being used for example by the basketball officials, and a gear that is designed for a various type of physical activity as fitness, running and so on. The testing we have conducted came back with the promising results and the next step will be for us to find customers for them, as the competition here is high. We hope that potential buyers will realize that it is better to invest in something bit more expensive to use it more than 2 or 3 times, as cheaper products after 2-3 months are not usable no more. Our sportswear is also more comfortable, but we will leave to our customers to tell 🙂

Product offer and contact to the UFFO.PL company: