Day 4 and Day 5 – relax day and final sweating …
The fourth day was planned to rest a bit comparing to the previous days, so with the morning wake up at 7 am our survivors had a referee training on the court practicing again the transmission, rotation, signals, jump balls and so on.
Then right after breakfast all the group went on a trip to Ustka. This is a very nice city at the sea side of Baltic sea and the weather was very good this day. In Ustka team took bicycles and did 12 km ride along the sea side, and then went for a coffee (eventually an espresso first this week), waffles with cream, ice-creams and other treats. At 12:30 all were back, so at 13:00 campers could continue presenting their chosen topics and prepare together to the games.
As every day at 16 games started and referees were talking about them with instructors. What is unque for this camp is that before tha games referees and players do the warm up togehter, also running competition and free throws. Missed free throws make the warm up longer for everyone.
After the dinner there is something new, as referes togehter with players will have yoga. This yoga class was very demanding, for both groups.
This day was lighter, and also had some fun in the morning, so it was very relaxing. Nevertheless after yoga team sat togehter and watched videos from the today’s games, went to sleep maybe at midnight, because on the last day there is training at 7 am. Big respect for our hard working campers get better each minute.
So as said on the last day there is no break and early morning training contained practicing the same stuff: running, transmission, rotation, signals, whistles/calls and also how to work with, deal with coaches.
After the breakfast there were last lectures of the camp. First summary of all elements that were practiced at the camp connected with contacts and then as well those connected with mechanics and presentation.
After that last 2 referees presented their topics, then went to the gym with coaches from GetBetter. This time a lot of practice emphasizing the legs, heavier weight and so on.
This day the pre game was conducted by our campers, all togehter. Also short summary of all camp from Kuba and Piotr, nice words and thanking for this week togehter.
But this is not the end as after lunch there were still games to officiate. So only after the games campers said final Bye and went home, where the games analysis is awaiting for them.
After declaring a success from this week, for the first time having the survival camp, all the participants said they would like to come back, so Kuba is already thinking maybe next year we will do the survival camp in two editions for the two consecutive weeks.