Thursday 13 February 2025

RIND Survival Camp 2018 time start – meet the campers


Summer is here, season break, school break and so doesn’t it mean we shall have a break from refereeing? Maybe in a sense yes, because we need to rest the body and mind, get the energy, reevaluate our goals, check where we are and where we want to be. All in all, we need to get ready for the next season, this means we need to do some work ourselves, but also to make progress we need help of qualified instructors and colleagues, who will boost our preparation phase with additional challenges. Here is why in summer it is good to attend the camps. Many people are joining summer camps from different reasons. As the Survival Referee Camp 2018 in Poland is about to start on Monday, we have asked the participants to tell us little bit about themselves and share with us on how they see the camp fits into their preparation program for the next season.

Ahmend Fallatah – Saudi Arabia

Ahmed M Fallatah is a referee from KSA (Saudi Arabia), privately he works as a lecturer in Analytical Chemistry and Environmental Science. He started officiating in 2009 in the UK and ever since he has been working on improving his skills, because, as he says, he loves to referee basketball games. Ahmed: “Without a doubt, in the last few years Kuba is doing a great job in organizing basketball referees’ camps, and the SURVIVAL CAMP seems challenging and it focuses more on the individuals with just small numbers of referees. This will make me a better referee, as well as, this a good chance for me to start preparing for the next season physically to get fit and technically on the court. I’m excited to go to Poland and enjoy the camp.”

Andrius Jakimavičius – Lithuania

“My name is Andrius Jakimavičius from Lithuania, I am 28 years old, and I live Daugai, Alytus district. I work as a distribution manager for building materials and I am officiating basketball in 3rd Lithuanian league.” Then Andrius adds, in his first years, when he played basketball he had problems with referees The story started when after one game referee told him –‘If you can do better, take the whistle and prove it’. It was the beginning of Andrius’s officiating career. He underlines that it was a very difficult beginning, and he would like to prove to everyone and himself that he can do a good job. Andrius did 3 years in amateur level in Vilnius, 3 years in Regional league and now his goal is to go forward to 2nd National league. The Andrius continues: “In 2017 November, I had an honor to officiate with Kuba in international friendly game against BC Alytus Dzūkija(LTU) and Zielona Gora Stelmet (POL). After this game Kuba invite me for this camp and I can’t dismiss this offer, I think it will be good experience for me.”

Anna Miroshnichenko – Russia

Anna officiated since 2008. In her regular job, she is working as a manager at the department of school sport. She is also organizing competitions for children. Anna says: “I never been a professional basketball player. When I studied at university I was playing basketball a little. All my young time l was professional swimmer, but I fall in love with basketball from the first game. When I played basketball, l was thinking about officiating. It became more interesting for me.” Then Anna continues: “I decided to come to this camp because l am looking for something new for myself. l would like to get new, fresh experience from adult colleagues. I think that after this camp l will be stronger and it will be a next step to my referee’s career”.

Mbaye Seye – Senegal

Here is the story told my Mbaye: “While playing basketball I was impressed by referees’ actions and in my home town (Thiès, Sénégal) we had three International Basketball Referees. I was interested to learn how to become a referee and if I could also have the possibility to get to know the rules and try to have some special trainings in officiating. I was lucky, Cheikh Lonka Diouf, one of the FIBA Referees offered such a special training class for young girls and boys who wanted to be familiar with the rules and the reality of officiating in basketball. So, I started in season 2002-2003, everything went well, and I was more and more engaged with blowing the whistle. I kept it up, continued to practice and did exams from level to level.” Then we asked Mbaye what is he looking for to gain from attending the camp: “By this moment I have almost certainly overcome the most difficult obstacles to be an international referee. The next goal is looking at the elite group, try to join them and stay amongst. As I was riding the Camel in the Sahara Desert to visit the Pyramid in Cairo (see picture), I expect with the survival camp’s help to get better and attend the summit of basketball refereeing, which will allow me to achieve my dream of being at World Cup and Olympics. My slogan: Work hard, have fun and always try to achieve your goal in the best way! “

Michail Vanglovskij – Luxemburg

Michail was born in Lithuania and he now lives in Luxembourg. After course for referees he obtained his license in 2013 in FLBB (Luxembourg) and started to officiate. As he says: “Basketball is in my blood. I used to play basketball and referee in the past. It was very interesting to me. Since then, I try to keep progressing. Basketball is changing fast, therefore, as a referee, I must change and improve with it. Therefore, for three years I have been continuously participating in referees’ camps. This year I will attend Survival Camp. I want to improve my mechanics, good calls, control of the game and so on.”

Piotr Rozniakowski – Poland

Piotr is 22 years old and he is studying economics. He comes from Toruń and is currently living there as well. Why Piotr is a referee? We asked: “When I was 13 I started my basketball journey as a player and if you would ask me then, I would say that I will never be a referee. Because u know, nobody likes them. Players, coaches, fans, no one :D.” and then he adds: “I became a referee when I was 18. I went on a training course with my three teammates. At the beginning it was just a curiosity, but I liked it and now I’m here to improve myself. I chose survival camp because I like the idea of small groups where each person can get individual feedback. Also, I know that I still can be in better physical condition, so survival camp looks like a perfect place to do that both things. I hope after this week I will be few levels higher than I’m now.”

Roman Kladukhin – Russia

Here is Roman’s story: “I was born in Saint-Petersburg in 1990, in 1999 started to play basketball at basketball school “Spartak” in my home town. In 2007 finished school and went to university, playing basketball all this time. I wanted to be professional player. But after some serious injuries and surgeries on my knees, I had to stop playing. But I didn’t want to leave basketball at all. My friends advised me to try refereeing. I started officiating in 2013. And from first games I liked it. Now it’s one or most important things in my life.” Why are you joining this camp? Roman answered:

“My colleagues told me about this camp and recommended to visit it. Also, I wanted to take part in an international camp this year, that’s why I decided to choose this one. I expect from this camp a lot of useful work and knowledges, that will help me to grow up my skills. And, this is a good way to practice English language.”

Yaroslav Oreshin – Russia

My name is Yaroslav Oreshin. I’m 28 years old and I’m a basketball referee from Saint-Petersburg, Russia. I have a beautiful family – wife & daughter. I’m also working in sports management, I organize basketball events, tournaments etc.

Also, as a lot of referees – I’m former basketball player. When I understood that I couldn’t become a good player I found another way to stay in basketball, because basketball is my life. That way I became a referee. I already attended the camp in Tallinn once, I liked this organization. I know what to expect from this event, I want to get new experience and work on my physical conditions, also want to meet some new friends and learn how to work in a team. I hope next week will be great and hard work.