Friday 14 February 2025

SURVIVAL CAMP 2019 – Day 5

As the beginning of the first day in the camp, the survival’s camper started their day with body check test at 7:30 am. Everybody recognizes a deference in the results between first and last day. Program start at 7:50 am at the playing court. First, we did new workout that help referees the correct running techniques. We spent half an hour on practicing that technique, then we started repeating the usual mechanics of referee for 15 minutes, after that, we did the YoYo test, which has been passed by all referees. At the end of the session, we had a tasted breakfast.

The second part of the day program was in the meeting room from 10:00 am to 2:30 pm. We had hour and half to watch clips and get feedbacks from the instructor about the previous games of the day. The next session Kuba presented very important topic in controlling the game with analysing two old games as examples of this topic. Lastly, we had a good presentation from one of the groups in the camp and the topic was about unsportsmanlike fouls and their criterias. After that, we had a rule test. In 30 minutes at last finish by everyone. By 2:30 pm, the referees moved to the lunch room then relax for 30 minutes before the officiating the games at 4:00 pm.

Last part of the day, we had divided into two groups as usual, one group officiate the first game while the second group go to the fitness room. After an hour for each group, we were asked to switch in the next hour, then everyone had chance to officiate a quarter in last game.

To conclude everything, as campers, we had learned many things within these five days to become a good referee. Staring from the mechanics (rotation, cross step or transition), using voice while call the foul, area of responsibility, refereeing the defence, communicate better with team-mates and so on. In another word, we have learned how to get better … as referee.

Mazen ALasmari
Saudi Arabia