SURVIVAL CAMP 2021 – Day 1
First day at Survival Camp ../

A mix of Russia , Czech Republic , Belgium and Slovakia in Poland. We cross the boarders to become better referees.
The fact that this is my second year in a row says enough.. you don ‘t come to play – you come to work hard and to get better.
After an intro from the camp we had some explanation how to use REF.REC. A tool to make all your clips by 1 press on a button . Did you know that the inventor from the Czech Republic is following this camp? ROMAN all credits to you for the invention. Bravo!
After lunch we gave our bodies a rest. Of course for a short time. In the gym it was leg day . Did you try it? Leg day and then officiating games? However we need to survive- a name that is perfect for this camp.
I always say “ you don’t get better if you don’t suffer” ?
We rested the trained muscles of today during dinner and video analysis.
Will it be enough to be ready at 7:40 am ?
We need to survive… and with this team we can and we will!
To be continued…
Farrah Mamouni
Basketball Belgium ??