Thursday 13 February 2025

SURVIVAL CAMP 2021 – Day 5

The last day began with same morning like days before, as we are already have it as habits – early wake up and have practice in the gym.
Today the physician coach could rest, giving us the possibility to make the warming up by ourselves, just taking morning coffee while we are doing his program without himself. Today we were better in specific referees drills, such as jump ball, transition, signals. On the end of morning practice we should undergo Yoyo test, first time for many of us ever, and we did it everybody!

Then we received the confirmation on body check device that we spent this week with measurable profit.
In the lecture room we prepare clips from yesterday games which were in Aquapark gym. And then we discussed them, my friend Vasilii was a photograph, it was great 🙂
After the mini-break we listened presentation by Roman from Czech Republic. He told about travelling and for me it was good thing to remind us about hop-step, pivot foot and spin moves.
The senior campers trusted on our improvement (but i’s not definitely )) and we did the preparation for the games ourselves finally to put the cherry on the cake on the last day games
Quick warming up with Woiciech, and we are ready to hard work again – in the fitness for upper body, and then on the court giving right decisions
Like it was before we split for two groups. When we officiate, we try to do our best, and our instructors has no remarks and questions, our legs after leg day run us forward and help to take correct position. In fitness zone we came to hell, arms day did not pretend like anything difficult, but it was like the circle of hell, but we were prepared and like all days we survived!

After the last shower here, during countdown to say good bye, I felt myself like after the parents day in the children camp, when after the many meetings many communications you stay alone with the memories and expectations to repeat these days of our lives.

With the best regards