Thursday 13 February 2025

16th birthday of REFEREE.PL camp – referee, instructor and camp father – Kuba Zamojski

Closing the instructor team cannot happen without talking to Kuba, whose passion, engagement and dedication for basketball, and training other has been unstoppable for past 16 years and he keeps organizing this international basketball referees camp on the highest level. Every year referees wait for the camp announcement and the instructors list, so they can come and make progress in their career, meet same crazy people as them and prepare best to the coming season. This year is just the same.

REFEREE.PL is a well-known brand in the referee’s world and it is thanks to Kuba that this continues and rows from year to year. This year will be amazing, we have a full group already registered in a short time after announcement, we have list of instructors (check, please see below quick few words with Kuba before the camp starts in 7 day.

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For the first time as an instructor at REFEREE.PL – Sretan Radovic, Euroleague referee from Croatia

sreto radovicWe are very pleased to welcome for the first time Sretan Radovic at the REFEREE.PL camp. Sreto is an international active referee from Croatia with an extensive experience on the court. He currently officiates Euroleague and Adriatic league. In the past you could see him on the FIBA and VTB courts and also many international top level tournaments like Olympic Games, World Championships, EuroBasket. Please see a quick talk with Sretan to get to know him little better before the camp and see his expectations and goals as an instructor.

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For the first time at the camp – Lars Klaar, instructor from Sweden

Give a warm welcome to Lars Klaar, who for the first time will join instructors team at REFEREE.PL 2019.
Lars started to referee in the age of 15 in 1975 in Sweden and in 1981 he became National referee. In the years between 1985-2009 he officiated top league in his country and international games as FIBA referee in 1990 -2009. Since the league beginning, he joined Euroleague 2000-2009. In his career he officiated EuroBasket Men and Women and F4 Women twice. Lars worked as National Instructor in Sweden since 2011 for 5 years, and from 2012 as FIBA commissioner. In years 2012-2016 he also worked for FIBA as FIBA Europe referee instructor. He is certified FIBA FRIP in 2016, and an Euroleague referee coach since 2009.
Before you meet in September for the camp in Radom, please check the short talk with Lars below. Stay tuned and have a successful camp!

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Sasa Pukl – one of the best active referees in Europe at the camp in Radom

The instructors team this year again will be happy to have Sasa Pukl – who is one of the top active referees in Europe, with extensive background in officiating, and great track record as a referee’s teacher.

This year will be already 8th time that Sasa is joining us at REFEREE.PL, when I asked him about it, he said: “8th time already? The camps I remember the most were the ones when Kuba had also guests from the other side of the ocean. Exchanging ideas about officiating, comparing different “schools” was always interesting for me, also I was learning some new things. Although I am usually very tired after the camp, 4 or 5 days of lecturing, watching a lot of games, giving advices is not the easiest job in the world… But on the other hand, it also gives me energy to start a new season. And my special goal for edition of 2019? To attend at least one morning jogging with campers. I missed all of them since the camp in Tallinn…”

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Milan Brziak – instructor from Slovakia at REFEREE.PL

For the fourth time already Milan Brziak, the international referee from Slovakia, will come to the camp, and for the fourth time as an instructor, as at the very beginning 15 years ago, he was with us as a participant. ? Milan has a lot of experience from FIBA and Euroleague, and a lot of passion to work with young referees, to help you progress in your career. He will work with you specially to advance you in the game assessment, video situations and instant feedback.

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Marcin Kowalski – Euroleague referee from Poland joining Instructors team

For the fourth time with us, please welcome Marcin Kowalski to the instructors team at REFEREE.PL. He joined us before in Krakow and three last years in Radom. Marcin is an active international referee, officiating Euroleague and EURO CUP games. Marcin got his refree licence 29 years ago. He has great international experience of many Eurobaskets and Championships, that he will share with you while going in the details of the your game review. See you soon in Radom!

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Euroleague Officials Director at REFEREE.PL – second time with us Richard Stokes!!


It is high time to start aWe are happy and proud to announce that Richard Stokes will join our instructor team at REFEREE.PL camp for the second time (first in 2017)!

Richard brings the experience and know-how from the best league at the continent – Euroleague, where he works as an Officials Director for four years already. Before for ten years Richard was in FIBA Europe managing the Competition and Referee Department.

The basketball history of Richard’s starts much earlier though, as since 1985 he held referee license and became international official in 1993, and join the Euroleague list of referees in 2000.

At REFEREE.PL Richard will be working with all of you on your personal progress during the games, helping to analyze games, presenting the Euroleague strategy and approach for the coming season and many other interesting topics.

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Todd Warnick – Euroleague referee coach joining instructors’ team in Radom!!

It is high time to start announcing the instructors for this year’s camp. With a great pleasure at first, we would like to introduce former Euroleague and FIBA referee – Todd Warnick.

Todd started his official referee career in USA in 1973, where for 5 years he was attending college and officiating semi-professional league. In 1979 he moved to Jerusalem and was working as referee for 25 years in Israel’s premier league and 20 years in FIBA including 2000 – 2003 in Euroleague. After finishing his career on the court, Todd became a referee instructor and coach. Between 2007 – 2017 Todd joined as instructor in more than 20 FIBA tournaments, adding clinics and camps, video observations, individual coaching and mentoring. He is also Certified FIBA instructor (FRIP) and since 2016 working in Euroleague/Eurocup as referee coach.

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