Thursday 13 February 2025

Survival 2019 Campers Feedback

Survival camp 2019 was by far one of the best referee camps I have attended. A couple of elements distinguish survival camp from other camps.

First, the thorough feedback given by the instructors and their availability. There is a clear link between the lectures, daily morning practice sessions and the feedback during the games, which all prove that the camp is well planned and thought through. Throughout the whole camp from 8am to (at times) past midnight, the instructors were available to give you valuable, direct and honest feedback. It was clear they were dedicated and had a genuine interest of helping. The small number of camp participants also allowed for even more feedback compared to other camps.

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SURVIVAL CAMP 2019 – Day 5

As the beginning of the first day in the camp, the survival’s camper started their day with body check test at 7:30 am. Everybody recognizes a deference in the results between first and last day. Program start at 7:50 am at the playing court. First, we did new workout that help referees the correct running techniques. We spent half an hour on practicing that technique, then we started repeating the usual mechanics of referee for 15 minutes, after that, we did the YoYo test, which has been passed by all referees. At the end of the session, we had a tasted breakfast.

The second part of the day program was in the meeting room from 10:00 am to 2:30 pm. We had hour and half to watch clips and get feedbacks from the instructor about the previous games of the day. The next session Kuba presented very important topic in controlling the game with analysing two old games as examples of this topic. Lastly, we had a good presentation from one of the groups in the camp and the topic was about unsportsmanlike fouls and their criterias. After that, we had a rule test. In 30 minutes at last finish by everyone. By 2:30 pm, the referees moved to the lunch room then relax for 30 minutes before the officiating the games at 4:00 pm.

Last part of the day, we had divided into two groups as usual, one group officiate the first game while the second group go to the fitness room. After an hour for each group, we were asked to switch in the next hour, then everyone had chance to officiate a quarter in last game.

To conclude everything, as campers, we had learned many things within these five days to become a good referee. Staring from the mechanics (rotation, cross step or transition), using voice while call the foul, area of responsibility, refereeing the defence, communicate better with team-mates and so on. In another word, we have learned how to get better … as referee.

Mazen ALasmari
Saudi Arabia

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SURVIVAL CAMP 2019 – Day 4

As usual my forth day began with the morning practice, we’ve continued to work on 3PO. We’ve put an accent on the movements: the right usage of cross steps, the finding a space between players and also payed attention to the signals and gesticulations.
After the breakfast we were been listening to lecture about marginal contacts and unsportsmanlike fouls. We got tons of useful information.
Then we studied the yesterday’s games moments. We were finding the different decisions from the different angles. Glasses cameras are really helpful to understand which place is better.
Before the lunch break we did the outside practice and injury prevention.

Then we divided into two groups: first crew started to officiate games using the glasses cameras and the communication system and the second one began the gym workout. Then the groups changed.

At the games feedback we got a lot about individual techniques and mechanics and while at gym workouts we got a lot about off the court self improvement.
Then after the dinner we got a little time to walk around.
Then … we worked out the clips from the today games.
Good night!


Andrey Lugovoy

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SURVIVAL CAMP 2019 – Day 3

The day started like every other day with the lectures on the court early in the morning, but since it was in the middle of the week it was also rest day with slightly different activities. Everybody was excited! On the program today, we had excursion to Ustka, a small coastal town, a popular destination for recreation. Kuba had booked bikes and we were all ready for a nice biking trip along the Polish seaside. However, before the rest, we had our regular rotation, transition and signals (w/verbal support) practice followed by the FIBA yoyo test (to not be confused with YOLO), a mandatory test for the Basketball Championsleague (BCL) referees. All campers gave their full energy before the rest and the passing rate was correspondingly high. We could all referee in the BCL! ?

Arriving to the biking rental, we were surprised that our reserved bikes were already rented out. Maybe the owner was related to one of the loosing teams – we don’t know, but it did not change our mood and after a quick discussion we decided to grab a coffee and take a walk on the beach instead. Rest or not, the topic was basketball refereeing. Also, well within of the “get better” spirit of the camp, the instructors asked what topics the campers missed and how the camp can improve. A few minor details were mentioned such as traditional note books with basket court watermark which we have seen on previous camps or topics which were already planned for the next days. It is hard to find what can be better when the camp is having such a high quality. The instructors are constantly available to answer all kinds of questions, review clips and explain whatever challenges we might have from 8am to after midnight every day.

After the nice excursion we were again ready for new games and to apply the topics we are practicing every morning on the court. Like previous days, we had camera glasses and audio devices on to record situations from all angles and receive instant feedback from Semen, Kuba and Marcin. We finished with a nice sauna session, but the rest day, although with more social activities was no exception to the other days – we are getting better.

Filip Szczesny

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SURVIVAL CAMP 2019 – Day 2

The second day started also in the gym early in the morning with 3PO mechanics. We practiced more about rotations, responsabilities of the referees and fast break situations, after which we continued with the physical preparation, the beep test. Before lunch, we cut clips from the games in the previous day and discussed different special situations. Also small jogging at the stadium and good lunch. In the afternoon we had together the pregame meeting and 30 min warm up with the players before the games. The same as yesterday, we were two grups, one was officiating when another working out in the gym, each game we switch . After dinner, we finished with yoga session, where we stretched out more muscles than we knew we had. Hard day for all of us, but we’re still going strong.

Ioana Cojocaru

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SURVIVAL CAMP 2019 – Day 1

We start our Survival Camp with the 3PO fundamentals training and the criteria in the camps in the morning, try to apply the learning and common understanding in the game practice in the coming few days, then we end with a running practice For the morning. In the afternoon, we divided into 2 groups, one of them officiating the game and practice we what we learn this morning. The other group went to gym, we have leg day today. After dinner, we went to Ustka to enjoy the beach. We sat down to have a dinner and knowing each other’s culture and background. It’s a great time for us. We working hard, we are tired but happy.

Ho Yuen Toby Mok
Hong Kong

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SURVIVAL CAMP 2019 Invitation

We are very happy to announce the 3rd edition of SURVIVAL CAMP – the very modern way of working to improve referee’s skills in all individual aspects.


Again, we will prepare for the next season together with the basketball players and coaches („Get Better Camp”). The main focus of the camp will be to improve all personal skills. Of course, all will be done as ONE TEAM WORKING TOGETHER 24h/7 DURING 5 DAYS. This is the only camp where instructors are also part of the camp.

The camp will take place in Jezierzyce Słupskie (POLAND), which is close to Słupsk and Polish sea side located 120 km from the Gdansk airport. It is also accessible by train.
Camp start on Monday July 15th and finishes Friday evening 19th.

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