Friday 14 February 2025

CAMP RADOM 2019 Invitation

4-8 September 2019

16th year edition of REFEREE.PL camp for basketball officials comes true again.
This year we are very happy to come back to Radom (Poland), that have long basketball traditions and related to us since 2016. We hope that close location of Warsaw will give you good logistic opportunities to come to our camp.



As always, we are aiming to bring something new, interesting, refreshed, that will give referees possibilities to improve all skills needed on court. Again, this is going to be the great chance to learn new things from the most experience people in the referee’s world!

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SURVIVAL CAMP 2019 Invitation

We are very happy to announce the 3rd edition of SURVIVAL CAMP – the very modern way of working to improve referee’s skills in all individual aspects.


Again, we will prepare for the next season together with the basketball players and coaches („Get Better Camp”). The main focus of the camp will be to improve all personal skills. Of course, all will be done as ONE TEAM WORKING TOGETHER 24h/7 DURING 5 DAYS. This is the only camp where instructors are also part of the camp.

The camp will take place in Jezierzyce Słupskie (POLAND), which is close to Słupsk and Polish sea side located 120 km from the Gdansk airport. It is also accessible by train.
Camp start on Monday July 15th and finishes Friday evening 19th.

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RIND SURVIVAL CAMP 2018 – Invitation

Jezierzyce Słupskie, Poland
2 separate sessions: 16-20 July, 23-27 July

We are very happy to invite you again to the modern way of camp – SURVIVAL CAMP, which will have 2 separate sessions this year, where we will be working on the preparation for the following season togehter with the basketball players „Get Better Camp”. The main focus of the camp will be individual work and team work on the court.


The camp will take place in Jezierzyce Słupskie, which is close to Słupsk and Polish sea side, located 120 km from the Gdansk airport. Słupsk is also accessible by train. There is 5 days of hard work waiting for you. Here are the dates:

Dates of survival 2018

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UFFO SURVIVAL CAMP 2017 – Invitation

17-21 July 2017, Jezierzyce Słupskie, Poland

We are extremly happy to invite you for the first time to the completely new idea of the camp, where we will be working on the preparation for the following season togehter with the basketball players „Get Better Camp”. The main focus of the camp will be individual sessions, but in the group.

The camp will take place in Jezierzyce Słupskie, which is close to Słupsk and Polish sea side, located 120 km from the Gdansk airport. Słupsk is also accessible by train.

There is 5 days of hard work waiting for you. Here are the dates:

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