2refs.com is happy to announce some special deals to Referee.pl campers.
Take advantage and use our ongoing summer sale on 2Refs.com – webshop for referees – to upgrade your equipment before the new season. Discounts up to 50%.
And for all Referee.pl Radom 2019 Referees there is absolutely FREE DELIVERY & additional 10% off for all regular price Fox40 Whistles by using Coupon Code RADOM2019.
The website can be found at shop.2refs.com and Coupon Code is RADOM2019
For FREE DELIVERY please select ‘Collect at REFEREE.PL CAMP – Radom 2019’
If you need any assistance, please contact Mr. Petri Mantyla.
We hope you take advantage of this special REFEREE.PL offer made for you.