Friday 14 March 2025

Session 2, day 3

Day 3 started bright and early with us all meeting in the judu room for some practice of our signals in front of the mirror before swiftly moving into the sports hall with a camera simulating the table officials so we could watch back and improve using the feedback given.

After we had discussed how to present our signals to the table clearly and effectively we had our daily speed session – today working on lateral movements. All this before 8:30am it was a good start to the day, which then improved further with a delicious breakfast once again. Once breakfast had concluded we headed back to our rooms with our crews to analyse clips which we had been asked to clip from yesterday’s games. Once the clipping of the games had been done we returned back to the lecture room for a discussion about “communication between your crew”. Everybody came up with some fantastic ideas on how to effectively communicate with your crew and we could’ve of discussed about this topic all day however we could not, for the sole reason, which was, we had a very important caller who was about about to deliver the session on “Act of shooting fouls and criteria, Defensive semi circle plays” and finally, “management of the game”. This was all delivered by none only then now ex-EuroLeague referee and Head of Education and training co-ordinator of refereeing in the EuroLeague Fernando Rocha. He delivered a great presentation which included clips, his opinions and practices as well as answering any questions that us campers had – when we plucked up the courage to ask him!

After our talk with Fernando was finished it was lunchtime, which was once again nothing but “delicious” (which I am now able to say in Polish, because I have been picking up many words from the local campers along the way…I currently have 19 words).

With lunch finished we headed back to our rooms for a short rest before our pre-game for our games tonight discussing what we would like to focus on. Once our pregame was concluded we headed to the gym with our strength and conditioning coach who delivered one of the most brutal HIIT sessions I’ve ever witnessed. WE WERE SWEATING, and that was just the warm up!! Once we had chosen our groups we headed to our first 3 exercises and boy did they get harder as the session progressed. We sure worked off the calories we ate at lunch no doubt. Then, once we left the gym, it was game time – none of us sure we would be able to make one full sprint up and down the court we all jumped for joy as we were told it was only the seniors playing today due to a rest for the younger players, meaning we only had 2 6-minute quarters to worry about not falling over in.

Todays game was very exciting as we had the introduction of the camera glasses which the officials wore during their 2 quarters, and I’ll be honest when I put mine on, I was nervous, what if I suddenly started looking places I’ve never looked before?? It would ALL be on film!

We moved to dinner after our games and the day got better as we were met with pizza at the window, oh and by the way, this pizza was HUGE, super tasty and to top it off the company with my colleagues was top-notch.

With dinner finished it was now yoga time in the sports hall! Now, when I say my body moved in ways I didn’t think it could, I mean it hurt!! Bad. None the less, the session was great, and we even finished off listening to some calming music and focusing on our breathing, I definitely DIDN’T fall asleep…(I’m sorry I couldn’t help it I was so relaxed). Finally to end the day we headed back to the lecture room to present our clips as well as what we spoke about and ways in which we can improve our positioning, our decision making as well as improving overall good practice for officiating.

Once we finished talking about clips, it was off to bed for some well needed rest after what was definitely our longest day, however, was for sure the most fun also.

Dziękuję for reading and Dobranoc!

P.s. yes I’ve learnt those words this week 😉

by Jamie Wheller