Please welcom our Volunteers
There is no camp with out people who work hard day and night to make all the campers happy. This year we gonna have 6 volunteers who already work to make camp ready.
We appreciated very much their work like surely all campers will do also. Let’s meet our most important team! You gonna meet them at airports, hotel, restaurant, gyms. May be some of you gonna officiate with them!
Referee since 2012. I will help with logistics at Kuba’s Camp like in the past years. I hope that everyone will make progress and get ready for the season! Camps like this are the best opportunity to meet with friends from other countries from time to time. For me the most important thing is to make sure that everyone will leave Radom happy and with best memories! See you soon!
Been already to 3 Kuba’s camps as an organisation help. It was always a lot of fun as well as a new experience. Even though my mail box is overflowing with your questions and information every year I’m so happy to help with your every problem and make your camp a good memory (maybe the best one). Can’t wait to see some of you again and meet the others.
Hi! My name is Sebastian. I will be a volunteer on the Radom Camp 2019. I am 20 years old and I’m from Radom. I play basketball since 2009, and for 4 years I’m referee. Good whistles and have fun!
Hi There! I’m Ernest and I’m 18 years old. My basketball adventure has started when I was 10. For 8 years I was a player on point guard position. Last season I became a referee.
Ball is life!
Hi! I’m Wiktor. My basketball adventure began when I was 10. I’ve spend a lot of time as unsatisfied player. Now, I’m fully satisfied referee Apart from basketball, I’m studying, taking pictures and traveling.
Greetings from Warsaw!
Hi! My name is Alan, I’m 19, I have been basketball referee for 3 years and I’m very passionate about my work, because I love what I do. After being basketball player, it is great experience to look from the other side on this beautiful game. Despite being a ref, I have just started my studies in University of Economics in Katowice where I live.