RIND SURVIVAL CAMP 2018 – Invitation
Jezierzyce Słupskie, Poland
2 separate sessions: 16-20 July, 23-27 July
We are very happy to invite you again to the modern way of camp – SURVIVAL CAMP, which will have 2 separate sessions this year, where we will be working on the preparation for the following season togehter with the basketball players „Get Better Camp”. The main focus of the camp will be individual work and team work on the court.
The camp will take place in Jezierzyce Słupskie, which is close to Słupsk and Polish sea side, located 120 km from the Gdansk airport. Słupsk is also accessible by train. There is 5 days of hard work waiting for you. Here are the dates:

We will work on the physical condition, strenght, but also and mainly on the development of the individual technics, that each of us needs to use on the court.
The main trainings will contain movement on the court, proper positioning, clear observation. There will be mostly practical trainings, but also theoretical classes. We will sleep in the camp conditions. Important note is, that this camp session is not about comfort, it is about quick access to training conditions and facilities to maximize our time with the specialists, coaches and instructors. In the same time we are collecting the data about you and any potential injuries you would like to work on or overcome at this camp – this is the place to do so!
There will be many practice games to work on. Every day you will officiate to proffesional players. Lot of individual work based on the video as well as new technologies. Our partner for this camp is players camp „Get Better” where they will host players playing in diferent teams, also from top polish leauge. More details info about them on referee.pl, and alos from last year.

In order to adjust your travel dates we can help to organize the stay night before and after, as usual. The additional fees will apply. We will also as always try to help within the group with the logistics. (airports and train stations).
If you decide to join for this camp, we hope you start jogging, running, to be able to survive it in all 5 days!! We will have theoretical preparation before the camp and also it will continue during the course of the camp. Take your whistles, indoor and outdoor shoes and plenty of socks…
If you, or any of your colleagues, are interested to join The Survival Camp, please fill in the Application Form SURVIVAL CAMP 2018 at our website. The group will be 9-12 people, so be fast!
Camp fee:
Full residential costs: 360 EUR – all-inclusive
Kuba Zamojski
M: +48 601 736 920
kuba @ referee.pl