DAY 5 : The Last Day
Last day of this survival camp. How do we feel after having a new body check at 7:30 am?
We compare our results after four days of hard work. Do we see a difference? Yes we do.
DAY 4 : As usual, training
Thursday started as usual. Mechanics training in the morning, practicing the cross-step and some drills to be sure that our count of 3 and 5 seconds is perfect. To finish the training strong, everyone ran the YOYO test, which was of course finished successfully.
DAY 3 : Halfway
Today we are halfway through the camp, and we get up as usual around 7 am. Having already identified our bad habits yesterday, the exercises have also become more specific.
After the breakfast we started the theorical part of the day which began with the presentation of my group about post play. It was a great discussion around the rules and clips. Then we went on working on videos which were tricky as usual.
DAY 2 : Day has only 24 hours
Everybody knows one day has 24 hours. At Survival Camp we must be every hour in a different time zone with different measuring. For example the breakfast is not the first thing to start the day with. It is the 5th one. Right after a warm-up, 3PO drills, beep test and a shower.