Friday 14 March 2025

Sasa Pukl – one of the best active referees in Europe at the camp in Radom

The instructors team this year again will be happy to have Sasa Pukl – who is one of the top active referees in Europe, with extensive background in officiating, and great track record as a referee’s teacher.

This year will be already 8th time that Sasa is joining us at REFEREE.PL, when I asked him about it, he said: “8th time already? The camps I remember the most were the ones when Kuba had also guests from the other side of the ocean. Exchanging ideas about officiating, comparing different “schools” was always interesting for me, also I was learning some new things. Although I am usually very tired after the camp, 4 or 5 days of lecturing, watching a lot of games, giving advices is not the easiest job in the world… But on the other hand, it also gives me energy to start a new season. And my special goal for edition of 2019? To attend at least one morning jogging with campers. I missed all of them since the camp in Tallinn…”

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Sasa Pukl started to referee in the age of 17. He has passed FIBA Clinic in 1995 in Slovenia. Since then he officiated many European and World Championship, Euroleague Finals and Olympics. We are delighted to have Sasa again with us at the camp, specially that there is a newly (1 year old) organization created within Euroleague that is established with Sasa elected as its president. This is very interesting and good news for the Euroleague newcomers or aspiring referees.

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How was first season of Uebo? What were you able to achieve working with referees and how will you continue your work in next season? As a president are you satisfied from the Union goals, activities and achievements?

Sasa: UEBO (Union of Euroleague basketball officials) is new organization. Euroleague referees have never been organized like this before and I think it is a historical step for us and for all future generations of officials which will come after us. We still have not signed a general contract with Euroleague, but I think we are not far from signing it. Already in last season we had -even without signed agreement – some improvements. The most important one was insurance. In the past we had many cases of referees who got injured in the beginning or in the middle of the season and there was no insurance. Last season fortunately there were no such cases in Euroleague, but if there would be one – referee would get weekly compensation while not being able to officiate.

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You are still working in the court, strongly giving guidance and direction to the Euroleague newcomers with leading by example. How the referee’s life evolved for you over the past 20 years?

Sasa: Well, you need to come to Radom to hear it in my lecture…

Awesome, see you soon in Radom !!!!