Dear Campers!
We are about two weeks to the camp.
Some important topics:

Dear Campers!
We are about two weeks to the camp.
Some important topics:
One more active referee is joining OUR TEAM. We are pleased to announce Ersan Kartal from Turkey, as an instructor who will be helping you at the camp with the matches’ analysis and sharing his experience from Euroleague courts.
We are happy to announce that Peter Papp will join our instructor’s team this year for the REFEREE.PL camp. Peter will come for the first time to the camp and will conduct a lecture for each camp session based on his training program that you can check on As Peter is promising, he will take you a step closer to your dreams!
Hi refs. Another exciting info for you, as more people are joining the camp this year in various roles. Remember Jose Anibal Carrion was with us remotely last year? Guess what, this year he is going to help as well. We will have series of video clips with your discussion and his expertise. Looking forward, there is a lot of work ahead us
As a part of our project for meeting the campes, please meet another referee that will join our camp this year – Marli Kasemi from Albania.
We keep our fingers crossed that this year he will be there from the beginning
For the second time in our camp we are happy to welcome Mr Buluc Yalçin from Turkey.
Sharing good news! Peter Sudek will come to our camp in Turkey. Peter will join the instructor team at our camp!
We are pleased to announce that Costas Rigas is coming to Antalya to work as an instructor with you!
We are proud to have him, as he is very busy lately and still he can spare time to come and spend time working with you. Every time he speaks, he is sending a very powerful and memorable message for the referees. You will experience that very soon!
Dear Campers!
We are very happy that Carl Jungebrand – the Head of Referees in FIBA will come to the camp. Multiple instructor (3 times) at REREFEE.PL. We are extremely happy he will be with us this year as well. I am sure you all know his attitude to train referees and like to listen while he speaks about the psychology of officiating. Please read small teaser, a few words from Carl before the camp.