Saturday 15 March 2025

RIND – sponsor of the survival camp sportswear

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This year for the Survival Camp we cooperated with the company RIND, who sponsored great quality t-shirts for the training and caps. Thanks to RIND the group was practicing in a new, innovative sport wear, produced with advanced technologies. RIND delivers a sports clothing for many different disciplines (basketball, volleyball, ice hockey, motocross, bowling, dancewear, rowing). They are also supporting basketball refereeing with high class wears. The equipment can be ordered on their page from the available collecting, and can be individually tailored for the order needs.

Check the website of the RIND here:

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RIND Survival Camp 2018 time start – meet the campers


Summer is here, season break, school break and so doesn’t it mean we shall have a break from refereeing? Maybe in a sense yes, because we need to rest the body and mind, get the energy, reevaluate our goals, check where we are and where we want to be. All in all, we need to get ready for the next season, this means we need to do some work ourselves, but also to make progress we need help of qualified instructors and colleagues, who will boost our preparation phase with additional challenges. Here is why in summer it is good to attend the camps. Many people are joining summer camps from different reasons. As the Survival Referee Camp 2018 in Poland is about to start on Monday, we have asked the participants to tell us little bit about themselves and share with us on how they see the camp fits into their preparation program for the next season.

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Memories refresher – Campers of Referee Survival Camp 2017


We would like to come back to our campers from the first edition. We went to check on how are they doing and how was their season. You can see below in follow up on how the survival training camp in Poland contributed to the last year’s season performance for the two of our campers: Asimina and Hande.

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Referee Survival Camp – what is this about?

After last year’s successful first deployment of the new idea of the camp we were sure to repeat the format this year again. The registration is up and running for the 2018, you can find it here APPLICATION FORM.

For those of you who are hearing about it for the first time we would like to explain the idea behind the new format. This camp is to help referees even more to improve by doing extensive preparation before the season that would combine organic activities for referees, same as for any other sport athletes.

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RIND SURVIVAL CAMP 2018 – Invitation

Jezierzyce Słupskie, Poland
2 separate sessions: 16-20 July, 23-27 July

We are very happy to invite you again to the modern way of camp – SURVIVAL CAMP, which will have 2 separate sessions this year, where we will be working on the preparation for the following season togehter with the basketball players „Get Better Camp”. The main focus of the camp will be individual work and team work on the court.


The camp will take place in Jezierzyce Słupskie, which is close to Słupsk and Polish sea side, located 120 km from the Gdansk airport. Słupsk is also accessible by train. There is 5 days of hard work waiting for you. Here are the dates:

Dates of survival 2018

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First UFFO referee survival camp done !!!! – memories of our campers

Last month for the first time ever togehter with UFFO, as a partner, organized survival camp with totally new form of execution. This event had place in Jezierzyce, close to Slupsk, in Poland and was called UFFO Survival Camp 2017. Now two weeks passed and we were interested how our campers feel and what do they think about the camp from the time perspective, since it was physically heavy and completely new with many elements.


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Day 3 – we are in the middle of the challenge … 2 more days to survive

Very early wake up today and 7 am the group had already an intense training in the hall – transmission, rotation, signals and repeat. Sprints, free throws and repeat. 🙂


So after the breakfast they sit all togehter with instructors to have a workshop and analize the videos recorded the day before. This was followed by 1h of gym with the GetBetter coaches and 30 minutes sprin joggs on the outdoor court.

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Day 1 and Day 2 – what happens in Jezierzyce

And so we kicked off the first 24 hours of the first ever survival camp for basketball referees!

Everybody arrived to Jezierzyce safe and found the facilities. Not that they are hidden in the woods 🙂 The camp started with theoretical class about body language and criterias. Followed bypractical training from the mechanics on the court, campers were officiating some games and in the evening watching togehter the games recorded by the main camera and the cameras in the glasses.


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