SURVIVAL CAMP 2021 – Day 5

The last day began with same morning like days before, as we are already have it as habits – early wake up and have practice in the gym.
Today the physician coach could rest, giving us the possibility to make the warming up by ourselves, just taking morning coffee while we are doing his program without himself. Today we were better in specific referees drills, such as jump ball, transition, signals. On the end of morning practice we should undergo Yoyo test, first time for many of us ever, and we did it everybody!

Then we received the confirmation on body check device that we spent this week with measurable profit.
In the lecture room we prepare clips from yesterday games which were in Aquapark gym. And then we discussed them, my friend Vasilii was a photograph, it was great 🙂
After the mini-break we listened presentation by Roman from Czech Republic. He told about travelling and for me it was good thing to remind us about hop-step, pivot foot and spin moves.
The senior campers trusted on our improvement (but i’s not definitely )) and we did the preparation for the games ourselves finally to put the cherry on the cake on the last day games
Quick warming up with Woiciech, and we are ready to hard work again – in the fitness for upper body, and then on the court giving right decisions
Like it was before we split for two groups. When we officiate, we try to do our best, and our instructors has no remarks and questions, our legs after leg day run us forward and help to take correct position. In fitness zone we came to hell, arms day did not pretend like anything difficult, but it was like the circle of hell, but we were prepared and like all days we survived!

After the last shower here, during countdown to say good bye, I felt myself like after the parents day in the children camp, when after the many meetings many communications you stay alone with the memories and expectations to repeat these days of our lives.

With the best regards

SURVIVAL CAMP 2021 – Day 4

Another day, another workout 🙂 At the beginning of the day we were happy to welcome next instructor – Marcin Kowalski. Then we started as usual, some warm-up activities, including the exercises with the stretch bands. Some of us felt pain from yesterday hard work, but there was no time to thinking about it. After the warm-up we just repeated the 3PO mechanics on the court and then, we were also practising with the ball. The task was, how can we make a good jump ball? It is easy, let´s practice! After that, we were working on our reporting to the table officials, and just before the breakfast we did our favorite activity – BEEP TEST 🙂

After breakfast we met each other in the conference room, where we went through the presentations. The first one was prepared by “Russian team”, Vasilii and Nastya. Their topic for today was screening. This presentation was followed by another one from Marcin, also about the screens. We saw many interesting clips with legal and illegal screening. Then, small break for some snack and again back to work. Next presentation, this time about the handchecking, which was presented by Semen. I really liked it because we made a great discussion about it.

Before todays games, we had a free time for relax, or other activities. In the afternoon, we were officiating the games. We started in our place, but then we moved to the gym close to the aquapark, which was beautiful. After that we came back for the dinner. We were still missing one fitness lesson, so let´s go for that! Today we had a leg day, but it wasn´t only hard work, but also fun. Semen showed us, how looks animals in Russia, sometimes I felt like we were at ZOO not in the fitness 😀 😀

We finished our day with basketball game 5on5, of course, the Czechoslovak-Belgian team won 🙂

So now, let´s enjoy the last day of the camp !!

Kuba from Opava, Czech Republic.

SURVIVAL CAMP 2021 – Day 3

Today, there was the „critical” third day – Wednesday, but we still worked on more than 100%. The day started as usual with morning warm up and stretching. The pain from previous days became more real but it did not stop us from the best performance we were able to do. The morning workout was followed by practice of 3PO where we did some similar activities as the day before in order to get it under the skin.
At 9am we could get finally something into our stomach 🙂 and be ready for 2 more presentations this time from Farrah (backcourt violation) and Eduard (3sec.). Directly after the presentation and videos we got the rest that everybody used in different way. Some people went to the „city“ and some others stayed and relaxed in their own ways. But one thing is for sure, the time ran very very fast and in few moments we met again behind our PCs and were ready to discuss clips and the situations that had happened on court the day before.
Here came another preferred part of the day – the lunch and some time for ourselves afterwards when we got ready for the pre-game and evening matches.  And also I cannot forget to our evening workout between matches that got everything from us, band I am quite surprised that we were able to officiate and to apply all new information we got from the very first day. Today we used all gadgets and it was very interesting to see different views from each ref on the court. This day was finished by cutting the clips and comparing the situations from different views.

Look forward to another day and for the activities that are waiting for our great team!

NatĂĄlie KarabĂ­novĂĄ


SURVIVAL CAMP 2021 – Day 2

How else could have day 2 started if not with a  warm up and a morning workout. I believe that we all felt the impact of yesterday’s squats, however, thanks to our amazing coaches, soreness slowly faded and we also had the chance to learn how to sprint when changing position to the lead.

After breakfast, Natalia and Jakub led the session about block/charge and interference/goaltending situations. Natalia and Jakub’s presentation was followed by “a surprise”. This was, however, a theoretical test by Veronika, and I can say that this was  truly a surprise. Before our lunch break, we also had a chance to talk about unsportsmanlike fouls and technical fouls.

During the break afterwards, we watched Olympics pre-qualifiers game (Poland v. Angola) Our “beloved warm up” was the next on today’s programme and, finally, we officiated some games. Today, we had a chance to officiate with glasses with in-built camera, so we could basically see the situations from three different angels. However, we have found out, that all three of us watched basically only the basket ball.

At the end of the day I can say that we survived!

Eduard Uhrin

Referee from HandlovĂĄ (Slovak Republic)

Session 1, Day 2 Gallery

Session 1, Day 1 Gallery

SURVIVAL CAMP 2021 – Day 1

First day at Survival Camp ../

A mix of Russia , Czech Republic , Belgium and Slovakia in Poland. We cross the boarders to become better referees.

The fact that this is my second year in a row says enough.. you don ‘t come to play – you come to work hard and to get better.

After an intro from the camp  we had some explanation how to use REF.REC. A tool to make all your clips by 1 press on a button . Did you know that the inventor from the Czech Republic is following this camp? ROMAN all credits to you for the invention. Bravo!

After lunch we gave our bodies a rest. Of course for a short time. In the gym it was leg day .  Did you try it? Leg day and then officiating games? However we need to survive- a name that is perfect for this camp.

I always say “ you don’t get better if you don’t suffer” ?

We rested the trained muscles of today during dinner and video analysis.
Will it be enough to be ready at 7:40 am ?
We need to survive… and with this team we can and we will!

To be continued…

Farrah Mamouni
Basketball Belgium ??

Campers 2021 – Session 2


  1. Valentin Kutnar (Swiss Basketball)
  2. Michał Ostrowski (Polish Basketball Federation)
  3. Laimonas Kalvaitis (Lithuanian Basketball Federation)
  4. Alexandre Tornay (Swiss Basketball)
  5. Marc Bickel (Swiss Basketball)
  6. Bruno Samuel FĂĄber (Slovak Basketba Association)
  7. Paulina Małgorzata Chyrc (Basketball England)
  8. Filip Szczesny (Norwegian Basketball Federation)
  9. Jakub WrĂłblewski (Polish Basketball Federation)

Campers 2021 – Session 1


  1. Jakub Kremser (Czech Basketball Federation)
  2. Roman Kejklíček (Czech Basketball Federation)
  3. Farrah Mamouni (Basketball Belgium)
  4. Eduard Uhrin (Slovak Basketball Association)
  5. Anastasia Chabannaia (Russian Basketball Federation)
  6. Vasilii Shandrikov (Russian Basketball Federation) 
  7. NatĂĄlie KarabĂ­novĂĄ (Czech Basketball Federation)